A Name for
Our company, Ing. Lang & Menke GmbH, was founded in 1948 and today employs over 240 people. The production includes precision stampings, mounting and contact elements as well as securing and fastening components. The company Lang & Menke Kunststofftechnologie GmbH, which grew out of a cooperation with ISK Iserlohner Kunststoff-Technolgie GmbH, was formed in 2005.
The pooling of skills between the two firms brings together years of experience in plastics engineering on the one side and metal working on the other. This in turn generates synergies and innovative impulses from which our products, and hence also our customers, are able to benefit.
Foundation of the company Ing. Lang & Menke GmbH
Opening of the in-house training workshop for apprentices
Start of operation of a salt bath hardening facility
Building of a second plant in Hemer
Foundation of the company Lang & Menke Kunststofftechnologie GmbH
Construction of a logistics centre
Further enlargement of the production floor space by 2,000 square metres
Relocation of our punching and bending technology to Hemer-Deilinghofen
We are celebrating 75 years LANG + MENKE
Reliable, state-of-the-art but environmentally friendly production – that is one of our hallmarks. Our constant focus is on meeting your quality standards – these are always the benchmark for our production.
Through regular internal and external training activities and our in-house workshop for training our apprentices, we ensure a high and uniform standard of qualification and skilling on the part of our employees – they are, after all, the biggest asset of our enterprise.
Our certified quality management system ensures consistent reliability of our production quality. An essential component of the system is the computer-aided monitoring of the production in progress.
As well as the in-process quality controls, our products undergo a further check for compliance with the specified quality requirements in the form of an outgoing goods inspection prior to dispatch.